My goal with youseemeseeyou is to raise questions of consent, power dynamics, and how vulnerability and intimacy play a larger role within the creation of interpersonal relationships. How far can I push the audience in their perceived role as “the audience”? Will a “group-think” between the participants emerge? Am I a part of the group or a separate entity? How can the social choreography that unfolds be related to our everyday lives? Each performance of the work is vastly different and depends on number of audience members, space, and time limit.
youseemeyou was performed multiple times with intended variations throughout 2018.
Open Performance at Movement Research, New York, NY
ShowDown: Gibney, New York, NY
INTINERENT Festival, Staten Island Arts, New York, NY
Mixed Emotions, Deep End, Brooklyn, NY
Breakup Party, Creative Cultural Center, New York, NY
Field Studies 2018, Chez Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
SMUSH Moves, Vol. 3, SMUSH Gallery, Jersey City, NJ